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tv   ABC 7 News at 1100  ABC  September 2, 2012 11:00pm-11:35pm EDT

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live and in h.d. this is abc 7 news at 11:00. on your side. >> the skies opened up and in was too much for he ground to take. the famed d.c. neighborhood hit g tonight. ful storm that popped up over the area, trapped people cars, knocked out
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electricity and even cause to shut down a three metro stops. one rider snapped the shots of the pictures on the water at the shaw university stop. we have storm watch team overage tonight. we're live in the blooming dale neighborhood of d.c. and jay there. we see where things stand at this hour, steve. been a busy evening in the weather center. storms. n tracking the some of them hardly moved at 7:00 to 8:00 hour and dumped a ton of rain. our abc 7 live doppler radar. e the e exactly wher heavier showers are located right now across central loudon county and every to leesburg we developing cell about to enter the beltway and head in just a little clower and notice we're looking for to move towards reagan towards old ort, town over the next, let's say
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45 minutes or so. these cells have the potential to drop heavy amounts of rain short period of time. it's all part a larger system that was once isaac and now slowly moving towards the east weather for ct our the next couple days. our storm total and look at the storm totals in just a few minutes but upwards of 2 1/2 to 3 inches of rain in the district. coming up in just a few minutes, we will take a look at t for t of the forecas beyond. ay weekend and d we'll talk about the potential for more storms like the one we had earlier this evening. >> all right, steve. , just a few ed moments ago at the start of the newscast, that d.c. n hit rhood that's bee repeatedly this summer is going through it yet again tonight. we're in the blooming dale section near rhode island and first. erstandably are und frustrated tonight. are. y sure one neighbor told me, she got a
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call from somebody who went to the beach the labor day weekend and found their home flooded and was crying on the phone. that shows the level of frustration around here. the waters have gone down and rhode island neighborhood is open. i'm, by no means, the low spot and you see the debris on the bike here. floodwaters the o about here t earlier. were as deep they as five feet or so. these folks had to deal with it h time this ummer. >> the flood came and they -- it flooded. an is one of a number of folks whose cars wound up under water on rhode island ight. ton up hey're moving our cars les are et and the manho a foot and a half off the ground because the power of the water coming out was so strong. >> this is the fourth time this of the blooming n le neighborhood have bee under water after heavy rain. f residents seen basements flood all four
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times. >> this is the worst since we lived here. or two other floods before but this summer i've never seen anything like it. >> it's frustrating. the e president of blooming dale association says s getting ridiculous. of a task force after the neighborhood flooded y.ree times in jul she said clearly more things have to be done because people can't living like this. >> we have everyone's attention e to work harder. these folks needed an answer yesterday and it's not good on gh to say we're working t. >> and residents are experimenting with black flow preventers to try to help. some said it did help but in the end didn't prevent the flooding. loods this summer haven't involved rain water overflowing but sewage as well. gine what a horrible folks here been for on the 100 block of rhode island avenue northwest. northwest in the blooming dale neighborhood, abc 7 news. potential e more
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problems for those folks ahead. thanks, tom. er's impact.eath metro system, several stations are shut down tonight. jay korff is live outside the shaw-howard metro. earlier that picture of the tracks under water kind of told t all. >> absolutely. that's about eight inches, approximate, eight inches of ter actually down on the tracks. and you to step aside see howard-shaw is actually are there rews pumping out the water. it's down to two or three inches. impacting metro stations, een five five stations, services suspended between georgia mount vernon square along the yellow-green lines. >> crews are pumping several inches of water off the tracks at the now closed shaw-howard university metro station in northwest washington after a flooding at ed he green and t yellow lines. got real dark all s like it and it' went from drizzling to pouring
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down. brown's friend now has to find another way home. > she's got to be somewhere by 11:00. an make it nk she c now. the e stations along yellow-green lines have been pacted by the storm, shaw-howard, u street and columbia heights are closed and will be until the morning and you can ride into the stations stations, elow the georgia avenue and mount vernon square but you cannot, of course, travel between georgia avenue and mount vernon square. >> all three shuttle bus service being established between those stations. also encouraging customers to use the red line that parallels the green line alternate and is a good avoid the situation entirely or bus service which parallels the green line on eorgia avenue. >> metro officials told me a short time ago they hope to water pumped out and the mess cleaned up. will do tests to make sure everything is safe nd hope to have things up a running by the morning rush but the morning 's not rush according to metro because it's a holiday, typically
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traffic is a little slower, they say, if there was a time for something like this to kind of was on this a weekend. live in northwest, jay korff, abc 7 news. >> they got a break, indeed. we have one more note, at least he rain. impact of t it forced the relocation of the 2012 labor day concert this evening that was supposed to be held on the western side of the u.s. capital -- u.s. capitol grounds and instead they moved inside. the concert is a staple and has been held annually since 1979 and we encourage to you stay e weather mor updates throughout this newscast and on in other news now, the founder of the unification church and owner of "the washington times" has died in south korea. the reverend sun young moon passed away from complications of pneumonia and had been in the hospital since last week d he was known for his anti-communist stance. his unification church had
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followers around the world gaining fame decades ago holding mass weddings involving time.nds of people at a the waldorf man charged in the alexandria community activist struck a plea deal. ivan newman pleaded guilty to led to harris' death which was found in a well in fort washington in january several months after he went missing. newman's plea, the judge dropped first-degree ing charges.idnapp newman will be sentenced in january. now to a story that you'll only bc 7.ere on a a virginia man once called a hero for trying to save a life now stands accused of a crime. but as abc 7's roz tells us, it doesn't sound like the man they know. se.y're coming to his defen on his side, eyes facing up. >> his neighbors tell us this man performed c.p.r. trying to save a man's life. >> the first time i had to do
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anything like this and i can't get the look of the kid's face out of myself. is the same man accused of a crime, soliciting text from a juvenile. montgomery county police say for three months he communicated online with a 12-year-old who portrayed herself as an adult. investigators say he discussed having text and the two met at n bethesda august 24 s home, that she briefly got into his car and when she got out was spotted by family members who followed the told police he pointed a gun at them. arrested on august 25. police say in his car they found a loaded gun and ammo, handcuffs, zip ties, rope, a black ski mask and boxes of condoms. falls church community, neighbors say none sense. ke off camera they described him liked and say they're skeptical of the charges and believe he may have been set p. >> we should point out we reached out to his attorney but m e waiting to hear back fro
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him. church neighbors say they will be in court to show for him.port presidential politics. obama's prepresidential swing took him to colorado to reach out to others in the crucial states. was a first stop sentimental one. for me to a reason begin the journey here in iowa where it first began. more than four years ago. because it was you, iowa, who kept us going when the pundits s off.riting u >> today he's in colorado, the ate where he was first nominated for president four years ago. as he prepares for his big speech, mr. obama criticized republican challenger mitt ffering up reruns at the republican convention. didn't d.v.r. it, let me recap it for you. everything's bad. it's obama's fault.
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and governor romney is the only one who knows the secret to creating jobs and growing the economy. resident stumps wingman, vice campaigns e biden, in pennsylvania and wisconsin. g.o.p. tickets off the campaign trail today after teaming up yesterday in florida. saturday was kickoff day for college football. republican running mate paul ryan tale gated in columbus where his alma mater was playing ohio state and romney talked sports to make his case. a coach that's zero and 23 million, you say it's time to get a new coach. [cheers and applause] >> it's time for america to see a winning season again, and e're going to bring it to hem. >> our coverage of the national convention begins on tuesday, and even if you aren't around to watch on tv, remember, you can always
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online at a history making day. tonight we'll look back at america's victory over japan more than 65 ns years later. in the weather ffice. we're standing by at the weather center with an update. all coming up on abc 7 news at
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>> today marks the anniversary of a big day in history. 67 years ago, japan surrendered, v.j. day marked the end of world war ii and as jay korff found out, today all hose who defended our country, those who passed and honored at a re memorial in d.c. >> at the national world war ii memorial in washington, the faces of heroes past remind us of how fortunate we are today. sunday military leaders held a ceremony on this the 67th anniversary of v.j. day. >> we often ask god to bless
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america. he certainly did. with the world war ii eneration. >> cameramen and reporters of s y countries record thi historic moment. >> on september 2, 1945, the japanese formerly surrendered marks the end of the war and beginning of peace. japanese surrender brought jubilation unrestrained. >> one of the more significant history had concluded at the cost of more than 400,000 american lives. world war ii veteran ron powers remembers v.j. day well. >> i was in the streets like everyone else jumping for joy. >> howard traveled to massachusetts, grateful for the sacrifices many made to secure freedom. >> these guys deserve verything. i'm sorry. >> the world was changed by their courage and yet they marvel the challenges we face today. i think it's more
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complicated. at least when we were at war, you knew who was who and what you were fighting for. any sense.n't make is the nation's deep gratitude for those who fought out of duty, not glory. >> to some generations, much is given. s other generations, much i asked. but this generation of has a rendezvous with destiny. abc 7 news. with >> 67 years ago on the u.s.s. missouri japan surrendered. neighborhood under water t after a powerful storm popped up and check in with meteorologist steve gruden on where things
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>> we're back and continuing to monitor the weather situation o be se this is not going t vernight thing. not just an overnight thing. >> no. it's going to last until wednesday we think right now. f the rain, iest o the most widespread potential h flooding will come in tuesday and tuesday night. that bad?sn't the precursor to everything. if you live downtown on new york avenue it's a big thing
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see a similar days. on the next couple >> look outside. y littled -- er settled down. t looked like three hours ago. keep in mind, the heavy rain fell in a matter of just about an hour or so. 77 degrees at reagan national airport this hour. light showers during this entire storm in the district. nothing, absolutely nothing reagan national airport. 84 degrees, right on target for our day time high. that's where we should be this of year. record is 101 set back in 1980. temperature outside right now 74 degrees but over 2.25 inches of rain, howard university and ad the flooding in the metro tunnel earlier. city saw .10 inch of rain and our final stop, children's hospital, the jackpot, nearly 3 1/2 inches of rain since early, early this morning. fallen, more as to come. temperatures slowly falling but is thick. ir it feels soupy outside.
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72 at winchester, manassas at 73, annapolis hugging the 83 mark. cooler air north and west. plenty of moisture to the west. this moisture moves its way over the next 24-48 hours and it's all the remnants of what was once hurricane isaac. in the the spin atmosphere right between st. louis and indianapolis. this moves our way. clouds will stick around all day long tomorrow with some embedded heavier showers and thunderstorms. then tuesday afternoon to tuesday night, that's when we're expecting the whole system to move overhead. abc 7, live superdoppler radar, bailey's crossroads, old town alexandria, small cell moving reagan national airport, dumping a little bit of heavier rain and it's not look for ast long but and storms to pop up early tomorrow morning throughout the entire day. temperatures will struggle to 80-degree mark
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due to the cloud cover and armer for the day tuesday. upper 60's to middle 70's for nighttime low with patchy fog early tomorrow morning. otherwise, keep the umbrella handy. or activities, do picnics or barbecues planned, you might want to make alternative plans now. 78-83 degrees. outlook if tended you like warmer weather, wait until the middle of the week. clouds beginning to clear, upper 80 thursday, by friday, sun shine, temperatures around 83, 84 degrees. it is not yet over and we saw what's happening downtown and over on new york avenue. i believe we'll probably see repeats of that if we find the slow moving clusters over the . strict again > those folks have to be for tuesday. >> thanks. let's switch now and talk about sports because one week from tonight we'll be celebrating new king in d.c. >> reeg's -- rg-3's official
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debut. in new orleans? a week. the roster has been made. up and we ns gear about erything for you e on the y will b roster. when today we found out and where stephen strasburg will pitch for the last time
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>> the toyota sports desk. brought to you by your local toyota dealers. moving you forward. >> what a day for washington. it was announced today stephen strasburg has only two more arts this season, first on eptember 12 in s new york. neral manager mike rizzo repeatedly told the media it's all part of the grand plan he laid out even before the season began. strasburg is recovering from . mmy john surgery ched 156 1/3 innings so far this season but his limit 160-180. clearly getting there. so washington's ace, though, it in too much.
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>> no, i'm just looking for my next start. y focus ll i can reall on right now. but we're going to have to sit down and have a talk soon. >> not much to say. i'm in with these guys and we i'm long ways to go but going to fight with them until the end. >> good to hear. formance today, strasburg struck out nine batters in six shutout innings but did get a little help, though, out of the kid, bryce harper. ok at the throw, unbelievable. est it raig trying to t out. t move. ar he's out. ourth, ottom of the f scoreless. kurt suzuki drives one deep to homer as s the second a national, cementing the curly w and they continue to go up. cardinals tied at 2-2. in the seventh, ian desmond singles up the middle. roger bernadina scores, the nationals win 4-3. yankees, mark reynolds was just really his show. a three-run shot, his second
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home run of the game. same spot. in the 8-3 and trail yankees by two games in the a.l. east. to say there were a lot of redskins' the roster cuts would be quite the understatement. m gano lost the job the day after he won it and chris cooley and hightower were released. n specialist brandon banks made the roster. it's all about looking forward head coach ns and n is competent about where his team stands. >> i feel really good about our football team. you know, it's changed, obviously, completely. and, you know, you've got guys that pitch your system, you've guys that you're hoping will all step up and play extremely well. i like the attitude going in, i like the competition and hopefully we play accordingly. >> at the start of the deutsche bank golf championship, odds rory mcilroy and tiger woods as the favorites.
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for their king he rd pga championship of t year and both probably didn't foresee a surprise contender. tiger woods is still in the hunt, though and shot a three under 68 today with four birdies including the one you the screen. seventh hole, tiger is in third place at 13 under par. the day belonged to louie oosthuizen and shot a 83 and finished his round in style and is your leader at 19 under par. andy roddick announced his retirement last thursday but he keeps pushing it back. in the third set, taking it over fabio's head. he is able to hit. between the legs. roddick would advance to the 7-5, 7-6, d with a 4-6, 6-4 victory. running back maurice jones-drew ended his 38-day holdout with jacksonville today and still oes not have a contract. so much for bargaining leverage. o know that because i
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leverage. o know that because i have him in my fantasy.
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in the people, businesses, and organizations that call greater washington home. whether it's funding an organization that provides new citizens with job training, working with an anacostia school that promotes academic excellence, or supporting an organization that serveves 5,000 meals a day across d.c., what's important to the people of greater washington is important to us, and we're proud to work with all those who are making our communities stronger.
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>> crews this charlotte are moving quickly to get things done before the delegates and candidates show up. not quite that fast. e lapse from outside where crews, cranes and statue builders are putting ouches on ng t everything. o ,000 people are expected t
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vention t in the con o ,000 people are expected t president clinton: this election to me is about which... candidate is more likely to return us to fultol employment. this is a clear choice. ththe republican plan is to cut more taxes on upper-income...
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people and go back to deregulation. that's what got us in trouble in the first place. president obama has a plan to rebuild america from... the ground up, investing in innovation, education... and job training. it only works if there is a instrong middle class... that's what happened when i was president. we need to keep going with is plan. president obama: i'm barack obama and... i approve this message.
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>> all righty. the rain for the most part, the heavy rain has come to an end . r the time being temperatures tomorrow around 80 degrees. showers, a few thunderstorms late tomorrow ternoon into tuesday and get everything out of here wednesday night to early thursday morning and then . earing skies, we have a bland new blog about this evening's flooding in northwest d.c. check it out with great pictures. >> on the other side of the break, we're going to talk about politics but also the ue to talk about weather situation for the overnight hours and tomorrow.
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